GitHub - happyhorseskull/you-can-datamosh-on-linux: it’s a script that makes datamoshing with python fun and easy.Making mosh-ups: automated datamoshing from multiple video sources.These are command-line tools for datamoshing and glitching videos: This is a comprehensive list of resources for making glitch art: Glitchet: Art Resources Scripts Using these settings, I was able to get some glitch effects, but they were hit or miss. Here are instructions for using a later version (> 2.7) of Avidemux: Datamoshing using Avidemux 2.7.0. That said, Avidemux 2.7.1 seems to be stable on a fully updated Mac.
I tried downloading Avidemux 2.5.4 based on these instructions - TUTORIAL How to install avidemux for datamoshing on Mac OS X - Art! - Glitchet Forum - but it wouldn’t load on my system (OSX Mojave). Some people recommend using a different operating system (e.g. I used ffmpegx to create datamoshing datamoshing datamoshing datamoshing datamoshing d. Many people report that Avidemux doesn’t work as well for datamoshing on newer versions of OS X (I don’t know about Windows or Linux). Just learned how to datamosh, and this is the result of my first test. Other handy tools to have are VLC for viewing and converting a variety of video files and ffmpeg as a general command-line video utility.
Here are some good introductions to Avidemux:Īsap Mob - Yamborghini High Music Video Effect (Premiere Pro & Avidemux Tutorial) - YouTube
You can also do basic video editing with it, though many people edit the original videos in some other software (e.g. From my understanding my best attempt is using bitstream filtering, but this doesnt work: ffmpeg -i Input.mp4 -c copy -bsf:v noisedropgt(t,30)key output.mp4. Datamoshing AvidemuxĪvidemux is a free tool commonly used for datamoshing. This is also known as Datamoshing, and while there are already tools to do that for me I want to programm it myself. It has links to resources I’ve found helpful and code for manipulating video and running command-line scripts.

I’ve made a video art repo to track my work. In particular, I’m exploring how to make destructive effects with datamoshing and how to generate style transfers with deep learning. I’ve started playing around with video art.